Roanoke Valley Bird Club

RVBC Club Calendar

January 13 Program:
Saving Seabirds:
New Lessons From Puffins
with Dr. Stephen W. Kress

Dr. Kress will share the hopeful success story about the restoration of Atlantic
Puffins and other seabirds to coastal islands of Maine. Against all odds, this inspiring
story demonstrates that people have the capacity to return seabirds to historic nesting
islands and proactively help them find secure nesting places. This presentation will
provide examples of how methods developed for bringing puffins back to Maine are
helping to create new colonies of endangered seabirds worldwide. The presentation will
also discuss how restored colonies of puffins and terns are providing fresh insight into
the changing marine climate of the Gulf of Maine, how seabirds are adapting to climate
change. The presentation will also show how tiny tracking devices are revealing the
remarkable migrations of seabirds so that coming ocean wind development can proceed
with minimal risk to seabirds.

Our next meeting is on Monday, Dec. 9, 7 pm. at the Garden Club Buidlding, 3640 Colonial Ave., Roanoke, VA 24018

Club Members Sharing Night
December’s meeting is members sharing night. Please bring a holiday treat to
share and your favorite photos, videos and stories of birding adventures. If you
have a digital presentation, please bring it on a flash drive and we will run it for
you. Feel free to share a birding story or an exciting item to show the club. Please
email President Drew Daniels with your estimated time to reserve your space.
There is one other surprise agenda item on the docket. This will be a fun evening
of sharing our love of birds and wildlife while enjoying delicious snacks!





©Roanoke Valley Bird Club